Statement on the conflict in Israel and Gaza

RASNZ has grave concern that the escalation of violence in Israel, Gaza and the surrounding regions is “inflicting enduring and devastating humanitarian consequences including loss of life and widespread trauma.”

The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, of which RASNZ is a member, decried the “unprecedented escalation of violence and cruelty in the conflict between Israel and Hamas” and stated that “the international community must place human dignity at the centre of its actions and focus on identifying the paths to prevent further violations of international law, in particular the right to life and the right to be free from torture and other ill-treatment.” [2]

Many others have made similar calls, but sadly, they have not been heeded. The situation in Gaza has dramatically deteriorated, and violence has extended in the region, including the Occupied Palestinian Territories of the West Bank.

RASNZ is shocked and saddened by the humanitarian crisis affecting the Palestinian population in Gaza. Thousands of civilians, children, women and men have been killed. Many thousands more are at severe risk of being killed, maimed and injured by violence, disease and starvation as famine escalates in the region.

RASNZ is also dismayed that hostages seized in Israel in October continue to be detained, and their wellbeing is unknown. We stand beside the international humanitarian community’s demand for their immediate release. 

We reiterate our call for an immediate ceasefire to allow the effective delivery of humanitarian aid and an end to the targeting of civilians and condemn all forms of violence by any party that breaches international human rights and humanitarian laws. [3]

RASNZ supports affected individuals, families, and communities in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and assists schools and other services in providing trauma-informed information in their work. [4]

We continue to be very aware that millions of people around the world have been and are being forcibly displaced by war and human rights violations, including torture. As the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture remarked to the UN Human Rights Council just one year ago:

“The global picture is a desperately bleak one. I do not need to remind you of the millions of people affected by armed conflicts, where torture is increasingly being applied as a standard brutal practice rather than as a grave crime of exception.” [5]

Many affected people come to Aotearoa, New Zealand, as refugees and are clients of RASNZ.

We urge all governments and other actors to work for a world free of war, torture and all other human rights violations.


[3] RASNZ notes that the United Nations Security Council has approved a resolution on Gaza, demanding an immediate ceasefire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages – Calls for a humanitarian ceasefire and release of hostages have been made by Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, e.g.; and the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and New Zealand
[5] – Remarks of the Special Rapporteur on Torture, Dr Alice Jill Edwards, to the 55th Session of the Human Rights Council, 7 March 2024.