COVID-19 Resources

Together we can stop the spread of COVID-19

For accurate, up-to-date information on COVID-19 in New Zealand, please visit

If you have Covid-19 symptoms

If you have COVID-19 symptoms, call the dedicated COVID-19 Healthline:

For any other health concerns, call the general Healthline number on 0800 611 116. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand aged 12 and over can book their free COVID-19 vaccination now.

Ministry of Health

Regular and reliable updates


Ministry of Health

Locations of interest


Auckland Regional Public Service

COVID-19 in the Auckland Region


Websites with Translations

Ministry of Health

Auckland Regional Public Health Service

NZ Government- Unite against COVID 19

COVID-19 Resources

Together we can stop the spread of COVID-19

COVID-19 Resources Translations

COVID-19 Resources Translations – Videos






At RASNZ, we provide mental health and well-being services, advocate for diversity, support Rainbow communities, protect children from harm, and detail this in our Child Protection Policy.